Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Our bags are packed, we're ready to go (well, hopefully!) - by Elise Strickland

As I put my kids to bed earlier tonight, I couldn't help almost ominously think, "This is the last time I'm putting them to bed until we leave!"  And then as I hear them upstairs in their room right now, both throwing fits and egging each other on as Jon steadily disciplines them (and the cats, who seem to know when we're already spread thin and join in on the misbehaving), it doesn't seem so bad - but ask me again at the airport tomorrow!

Over the course of the months leading up to this mission we've all as a team put a lot of prayer into our planning.  As we finish our last minute preparations tonight and tomorrow, I thought I'd share with you the team's most recent prayer requests:

Lisa Andrewjeski
*Organizational/mental preparation
*Freedom from guilt, especially leaving my girls on Emilie's birthday
*Paul and the girls while I am gone
*That God would reveal and provide direction for His plan for Harvest as it pertains to global orphan care.  I am walking in baby steps of obedience.  I need prayer to fully trust God in this.

Alyssa Higginson
*That the team would be unified in training, praying and sharing our hearts.
*That I would be teachable
*That I would go without expectations, knowing God can and will work for His glory.
*That Haitian people will be receptive of our love and help
*No fatigue before/during
*That my heart, mind, thoughts and prayers would be focused on God's will and purpose
*That I would serve without reservations and rely on the Spirit
*That the will of God would be done and His kingdom would be advanced 

Elise Strickland
*Protection from malaria, since I can't take the preventative medication while I'm nursing
*Solveig and Lincoln, here with my parents and brothers, pray against guilt and for strength for me in that, and for Solveig and Lincoln (who is still nursing) while they're away from us.  Please also pray for my parents that everything goes as calmly as possible while they take care of two babies full-time.
*For clarity and peace during our trip, that details come together in a smooth way so that this trip can be as impactful as possible in its short length.
*That we as a team remain thoughtful and intentional about our actions on this trip and that everything we do is God-centered.
*That God will keep me sensitive and aware in both my preparations and during the trip so that I am careful not to unintentionally offend.
*Pray against despair and feeling overwhelmed.
*That we can be empowered and hopeful in God's work so that we can bring that determination back home with us to share with the rest of our church

Katie Bafus
*That I would be a light to the people in Haiti
*Fear that I would do something to offend someone
*Good health, that I wouldn't get sick in Haiti
*Strength, we will be busy - I don't want to burn out

Todd Jay
*For my family; our kids will be without both parents for the first time, pray for the worrying parents who aren't there with them.
*For the team; safety, unity and flexibility, please pray for the attitudes of each member, may we all be gracious with each other and conscious that any inconveniences are temporary
*That the Lord will work in each of our lives
*That He will change our hearts to be more like His, we would be willing to let Him transform us, and that we would appreciate this opportunity to touch and love others like our Lord does.

Jessamine Miller
*That the trip will have an impact on me
*For my heart to be prepared
*That we will all stay healthy
*That the trip won't cause me any stress for missing school and having to do make-up work

Jonathan Strickland
*That God might be able to use me in an effective way
*That the jobs they need us to do meet our skill sets
*That I will be encouraged about what God is doing in Haiti through spending time with the kids there and that the people in Haiti will be receptive to meeting us
*For health and safety, that my wife and I will be protected from illness in our travels
*That Solveig and Lincoln will have peace and calm while they're away from us, not miss us too much, and be well-behaved
*That my view of the world might be broadened and my eyes opened to mission possibilities in Haiti
*That we come back with a story to tell that is God's story not ours
*Pray that the school I'll be missing won't harm me and that my professors will be understanding

Debbie Miller
*To stay healthy and not have any bad affects from my MS during the trip
*To be bold as I share with non-Christian friends about this trip
*To be open to however God wants to use me on the trip

Sara Pirolo
*For strength and grace to love and serve in whatever capacity is needed, even if it is an area outside of my comfort zone
*That the kids and Haitian staff members would feel encouraged and blessed by our presence there
*For eyes to see what God is doing in Haiti and for inspiration to know how our family and/or Harvest can join in this movement in the future
*For my own growth in Christ that this experience would bring me closer to God's heart for orphans and the poor
*For health and safety for myself and my family at home, likewise for the rest of the team and family members here
*For my family while I'm away, that David and Elina would have a special time being together

Pastor Gary Smith
*That God and Christ's gospel would be glorified through our presence and ministry in Haiti
*That our team would maintain the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace
*That our team would exhibit the Fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace...
*That our team would be good learners and humble servants of Christ
*That we would effectively encourage the worker and love the orphans
*That I will have God's heart and discernment to see what He wants me to see
*That I would make kingdom connections
*That Rachel and I will grow in Christ and in our relationship
*That God will be with Patty, Alex, and Emily while we're away

Lindsay Goostree
*Please pray that I would see, experience and learn all that God has in store for me while in Haiti
*Please pray for safe travels and good health
*Please pray for me as I will be so far away from my sweet Kaden and Raegan, I know they will have wonderful times and create memories with Daddy
*Please pray for our team from Harvest that we will be usable and touched by the Holy Spirit while in Haiti

Rachel Smith
*Preparation and readiness, the fact that I'm going to Haiti soon isn't quite getting to me yet, and I feel like that may need to happen soon so I can be ready and not have this trip feel sprung on me

Nicki Jay
*For our kiddos to be at peace while Mom and Dad are away
*Team unity
*That God will stir hearts at home as well as in the team

Would you please pray for us?

Oh, and now Solveig and Lincoln are both sleeping peacefully, and I miss them already!

1 comment:

  1. You are in my prayers. Thank you for keeping us updated.
